Saturday, April 25, 2020

Covid19 Update 4-25-20

I think the 'Rona is affecting The Girls.  They have barely been laying eggs for the past six weeks.  But I digress.  It isn't the 'Rona; I did some research and from the looks of the chicken pen floor, they are molting again.  It's not as heavy as it was in the fall, but it's noticeable.  And when they molt, they don't lay.  Stay tuned. 

I put on my mask and gloves this morning and headed to Wal-Mart to get a wheel barrow and a few supplies.  On this trip, I'd say the mask/no mask ratio was pretty much 50/50.  But once again, people aren't social distancing.  I went out of my way up and down aisles to avoid people.  

It poured all day and night Thursday, and has been raining here at The Compound since noon.  Pandemic or not, this weather makes me want to take a nap. 

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