Friday, April 17, 2020

Covid19 Update 4-17-20

I am very happy to report that as of 3:00 in the afternoon, I've only gotten kicked off of our network five times today! And for that, I am thankful. 

I started working a half hour early this morning because I was up long before the alarm clock went off, and I worked through lunch.  So I am going to clock out a bit early this afternoon.  

To sum up the past three weeks of working at home: for those that wish they could work from home and are jealous - don't be.  Yes, I am so thankful I can work from home to keep down the risk of me bringing the virus home to the Old Man.  But it's not the picnic that a lot believe it is.  As I've expressed on here, with the tons and tons and tons of people working from home, the networks and internet and wifi can't handle it all, and you keep getting kicked off of your network.  I've heard this repeatedly from friends working from home.  That in and of itself is enough to drive one to drink.  But I digress. 

I can't really complain about distractions and interruptions.  It's actually been more peaceful here at home than it is at the office, even with the Old Man watching TV during the day.  And the Old Man would be the first to vouch for me that I am at my kitchen table office and putting in my full 8 hours during the day.  There are many temptations to just say screw it and go sit on the couch and watch TV during the day, but I am diligent and am giving the company their 8 hours a day.  

All in all, I would rather be working in the office, but at the same time I am so thankful my company lets me work from home to keep down the risk of catching/spreading the virus.  I can't say that enough. 

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