Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Covid19 Update 4-1-20

Today marked Day One of working from home.  Thankfully, everything worked.  I was able to print from home to the printer in our department at work, and the call forwarding worked.  Other than some issues this morning when the Old Man was on his iPad playing his bingo game that was using more bandwidth and caused me to get disconnected a few times, it all went well.  I was able to get as much work done before my lunch break than would have taken me most of the day at the office.  

I was on an "hourly" schedule - at the top of each hour, I would get up and either walk through the house or go outside and walk to the end of the driveway and back; I really missed not being able to walk out to the factory.  And I worked through my two ten-minute breaks and took those twenty minutes with my thirty-minute lunch break, and the Old Man and I were able to have a nice lunch together.  I want to add he was very conscientious - and barely talked to me at all today while I was working.  He even wanted to know if I wanted him to turn the TV off.  I told him that the TV was way less distracting than everything at the office.

I just hope Day Two goes as well as Day One. 

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