Sunday, April 19, 2009

Link Of The Week

We're still in the middle of the recession, and everyone I know is doing what they can to cut back on spending. Some of that involves doing a bit of research before you go to the store. A few years ago I read an article about how we as consumers should put together a price book - a simple notebook with the product name, store name, price, and other information about items that you regularly buy. The idea is to keep the book updated so you can look at it and know (in my case) that Wal-Mart has a six-pack of 12 ounce V8 juice for $3.78, compared to Krogers who has it for $4.28. You get the picture.

I found a site this week that will help you get your own price book together. You can print out one of three different sizes of the price book pages and make copies for your own price book. Just visit and print out the size that you want and you'll be on your way to saving money.

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