Thursday, April 9, 2009

Let's Play Ball

I'm happy and sad at the same time tonight. Happy because today was the season opener for my beloved Louisville Bats minor league baseball team, and sad because as I type this they are losing their season opener 9-4 with one inning to go.

To some it was a miserable night; it was cool and drizzly the entire time I was at the ball field, but it was opening night - there was excitement in the air even if the weather was crappy. I got to see my seat neighbors that I hadn't seen since the last game of the season in September; it was like a family reunion. And I also got to eat my traditional first-game-of-the-season meal, two hot dogs with mustard and onion washed down by a cold ball park draft beer. Yep, it doesn't get much better than that. Well, I guess it could be better - if they were winning. But there's always the next game.

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