Saturday, April 25, 2009

A/C Watch At The Compound

Today, I declare the 2009 A/C Watch officially on. As I type this, it's sweltering here in the back bedroom; never mind that this room faces the west and gets the afternoon sun - that's beside the point. Yesterday the temperature reached 86 degrees, and as I type this it's 85 according to the thermometer on the back porch. I didn't check the thermostat in the hallway but I'd swear it's at least 99 degrees in the house.

Last night was quasi-comfortable. I turned on my ceiling fan before I went to bed and was fairly comfortable. But today with riding my bike 12 miles, running errands and cleaning out the Blazer I was sweating. But no amount of brow-wiping guilted the 'Rents into Flipping The Switch today. The forecast for the next week is pretty much the same as today -- highs in the mid-80's. So I can only hope they'll become uncomfortable and Flip The Switch. Yep, I can only hope.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

I think I'd have to turn it on myself and not wait for the Rents, lol. I know ours is already going and it is insane that we're doing it in April. Crazy weather!