Thursday, December 8, 2005

Darn The Weatherazzi

I guess I'm probably the only person in Louisville that is disappointed that we didn't get our 4-6" snow today.  I was prepared - I wore my snow boots today, and the Blazer had a full tank of gas.  My whole department at work was prepared, too - I gave them their Christmas presents a couple of weeks early: deluxe combo ice scraper and brush. We were ready.  But it never came.  Well, it came in spurts, but not the snow of the century like the weatherazzi was predicting.   It started out as sleet this morning before lunchtime, then it snowed for about 10 minutes.  Then it stopped for an hour before sleeting again.  Then it rained for a bit, and then turned to snow.  We got maybe an inch of snow out here at The Compound, but that's it.   Guess we'll have to wait till another time to use the new snowblower.  Damnit.


Anonymous said...

You are one sick mama!  do you not remember last, we didn't move for days......I had to stay in the house with my husband for days....and stare at the four walls.....

Anonymous said...

I must say that I was disappointed also but probably more embarrassed for the weather forecasters.  I connected the electric start to the snowblower and it fired right up even though I'm going to have to replace the old fuel with some gas that's been treated with STA-BIL.  Although many weather stations hung their head in shame, Fox 41 had the audacity to advertise how they were the first to announce that Jefferson County schools would be dismissed early.  Will the ratings war ever end?

Anonymous said...

You surely must not have had enough liquor in the house, Big Mama.

Anonymous said...

This is the second time in the past few weeks where the Weatherazzi have led Louisvillians to believe we were in for serious weather.  First, the big storm of the century a few weeks ago and now the big snow.  Neither of which ever came.  I hope this won't be a case of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".  Soon people will stop listening and taking precautions.  That's when we'll really get hit and be totally unprepared.