Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas

It's hard to believe that Christmas 2004 has come and is almost gone.  We're just like little kids - we look forward to it all year long, and then in the course of 24 hours, it's over till next year.

I had a great Christmas - we were all safe, warm, and happy here at The Compound today.  Even the donkeys got a Christmas treat.  We're still a bit tired from the snow removal, so we've not done a whole lot the past 2 days except eat and watch tv and keep in touch with family and friends over the phone and computer; it's been too cold and still too snowy to get out.  I must have been better than I thought this year - I got a very cool HP photo printer, and not one, but two, awesome Gone With The Wind music boxes to add to my collection.  A highlight of Christmas 2004 was watching Dad open his present from his extended family, the Linkers - along with me and a cast of other Santa's helpers, they made Dad a shadow box with his Navy medals and ribbons.  He doesn't get weepy too often, but the ol' man was very moved when he saw it.  Another highlight was seeing Mom open her present from the Linkers, a very nice blue winter coat; a replacement for her beloved "Old Blue" coat that she finally had to throw away a few weeks ago.  Funny how Santa knew she needed another, isn't it?

I feel sorry for all of the those whose travel plans were screwed up due to the ton of snow we got this week - but hopefully they can reschedule and celebrate Christmas next week when it's supposed to be in the 50's. 

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