Saturday, November 17, 2012

Security Tip Saturday

Here we are at week 12 of our 20 Weeks To Preparedness.  By now you all should be well on  your way to having an emergency kit for you and your family.

If you're just joining us, each Saturday for 20 weeks I will post a list of items to buy for you and your family's emergency kit.  At the end of the 20 weeks, if you've followed diligently, you will have compiled the recommended items for you and your family for a few days in the event of an emergency.  Look back at the archives and you'll be able to see the previous 11 weeks and be able to get caught up.  If you don't have any pets at home, this week will be useless for you.  So use the week to go over the previous weeks' shopping lists to make sure you've gotten everything.

Week 12

Extra harness, ID tags, and food for pets
Litter pan (if needed)
Extra gallon of water for pets
Veterinary records for pets

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