Wednesday, November 14, 2012

File Under: WTF?

I wish I'd had someone in the car with me this morning on the way to work so they could have filmed the first few minutes of my commute.  The car in front of me was either driving in the other lane (yes, the other lane) or they were driving on the shoulder close to going down in the ditch. At one point the car was 100% in the other lane and missed hitting a truck head-on by only a foot.  I didn't know what the hell was going on, so I kept a very safe distance behind them while calling 911.  I gave them a description of the car and the license plate number and the exact location.  But soon the car turned down a side street.  It was then that I noticed that the idiot had not scraped his windshield or windows and couldn't see while he was driving.

Were they in that big of a hurry that they couldn't take a couple of minutes to scrape the windshield and windows so they could see where they were going? Evidently they were.

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