Saturday, November 3, 2012

Security Tip Saturday

We're at the halfway point in our 20 Weeks To Preparedness weekly shopping guide for items for your family's emergency kit.  Just think - millions of people in the northeast part of our country probably thought they didn't need an emergency kit, and after Sandy hit on Monday, I bet they wish they had one.  Don't be caught off guard, faithful readers; I can't stress enough how we need to plan and be prepared just in case something like this happens to us.  Here's a personal testimony: there is a serious haz mat situation about 8 miles from The Compound.  A train carrying many cars of chemicals derailed.  People within a mile and a half have been evacuated, and people within a five mile radious are under shelter-in-place.  That means they need to stay inside.  I don't know about you, but we're a bit too close for comfort. So a few days ago while I was at work, the 'Rents updated our family's emergency kit, and got some more items together in case we needed to evacuate or shelter-in-place. They needed some items from Lowes and while they were there, they bought a roll of plastic and a couple of new rolls of duct tape for out kit. No, we've not become survivalists or doomsday people; we're just planning and preparing.

Take a few minutes this week to go back over the previous nine Saturday TWIT posts and make sure you have the items you need for your kit.

Week 10

Waterproof plastic container for important papers
Battery-powered radio
Extra batteries for the radio
Wrenches to turn off utilities

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