Saturday, November 10, 2012

Security Tip Saturday

Here we are on week 11 of our 20 Weeks To Preparedness.  I had a cool email this week from a faithful reader who said that they have started putting together their family's emergency kit, and thanked me for posting the information.  You don't know how happy you made me, faithful reader.  Thank you for reading every day and for caring about your family and putting together an emergency kit.  If you're just joining us, please look at the archives for the previous Saturday posts for the lists of items to buy and compile for your family's emergency kit. 

And to answer a question another faithful reader asked me, yes, I am following my advice and am putting together an emergency kit for me and the 'Rents.  We've always had some staple items together, but since I started the 20 Weeks To Preparedness, I have been following along and am putting together our kit. We are using a big heavy duty plastic garbage can on wheels and a rectangular plastic storage box with a water tight lid. 

Week 11

1 large can juice
Large pastic food bags (Ziploc)
1 box quick energy snacks
3 rolls paper towels
Medicine/eye dropper

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