Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Special Guest Writer Tuesday

Today's entry in TWIT is brought to us courtesy of my best friend, Diva Stacy.

My wrist has been bothering me for the past few days. I didn’t remember injuring it so I thought maybe it was a little arthritis or possibly some inflammation. I went to the drug store and searched the aisle containing a vast assortment of potions, ointments, and rubs; all promising to rid me of this pain. I decided on the store brand Capsaicin; mainly because it was on sale, but also because I don’t like the “hot” feeling of ointments like Icy Hot.

At first I thought I was in luck. No burning or smell when I applied it to my wrist and forearm. A couple of hours later I was washing my hands and noticed that the warm water was burning the area where the Capsaicin was applied. It felt like when warm water touches sunburn. As the afternoon wore on, the sunburn feeling remained. But then last night when I got in the bathtub everything changed. It had been several hours since I applied the potion, yet when I put my arm in the bath water it felt like it was on fire. Again, I was reminded of having bad sunburn and trying to take a warm bath.

By the time I got out of the bath my skin was very red and stinging non stop. I actually had to apply an ice pack to get some relief. Thinking I must be having a severe allergic reaction to the Capsaicin, I got online and started doing some research. Imagine my surprise when my search revealed website after website discussing the terrible burning associated with this remedy. Some sites were assuring people their skin was NOT actually burning although it may feel like it is. You see, Capsaicin is made from the extract of hot chili peppers. It is a skin irritant and is supposed to burn. This burning sensation may last 2 to 4 weeks!! Most people said any relief they got was not worth the burning skin. I only read one comment in support of the product.

I’m not making this up, you can search it yourself. I’m just here to warn TWIT’s faithful readers. Puddin’s mother Minnie grows a really hot pepper in her garden at the Compound. If you want to torture yourself just ask Minnie if you can rub a bunch of those on your skin!!

1 comment:

Puddin said...

Dad's Aunt Sybil, until the day she died, would use WD40 on her elbows and knees, and swore that it helped her arthritis.