Saturday, July 18, 2009

Be Thankful For Flats

Today has been one of the coolest days we've had in months, so it really made for awesome bike riding weather. In fact, it's so cool that I'm getting ready to put on a pair of jeans before I had to the Bats game tonight. But I digress. My bike ride today was perfect, but it did get off to a shakey start. I was out of the driveway and on the road before I noticed the front tire was a little low. No problem, I thought. I decided to stop when I got ready to get on the bike path and use my cool little hand pump that I always carry on the back of the bike. I had stopped in the fire department parking lot and was putting air into the tire when I heard a commotion. I looked over toward the bike path and saw a small red car run off the road and was now driving on the bile path. It was a PAT driving it, and of course he was talking on the cell phone. He drove off of the path and through the ditch and got back out on the road before driving off. I finished putting the air in my tire, and said an quick prayer of thanks for the low tire. Because if it hadn't been for stopping to put air in my tire, I would have been on the path in just about that same spot where the car went off the road. But for some reason, I was calm and didn't freak out; some people might have went on back home. Not me. I started pedaling and ended up riding 12 miles today. And with each mile, I thanked the Lord again for that low tire.


Lynne said...

Wow, I got goose bumps! I am so glad your angels were watching over you today!

Our weather was very pleasant here today. I was sharing with a friend that we can't really complain because we've had a few hot ones but overall our summer has been pleasant. Glad you got that bike ride in and enjoy your week!

Toots said...

That is some crazy talk.