Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Say It Isn't So, Bill Gates

At the end of the day, being the most popular guy online was just too much for Bill Gates. What with spending all that money he made from running a software giant, working to cure AIDS, and -- we're sure -- flying around to fight crime at night, there's not much time for social networking. So, Bill Gates quit Facebook. According to Yahoo!, Gates told a crowd in New Delhi that he had received so many friend requests, it became tough to determine who he knew and who he didn't. Gates, who was in India to accept an award for his philanthropic work with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, said that around 10,000 people wanted to be his friend on the popular social network. 'It was just way too much trouble so I gave it up,' he said at the event.

He also warned the crowd that while the technological revolution has been 'hugely beneficial,' it can also 'waste our time.' As with so many of us, Gates must have gotten sidetracked by those invitations to join a mob or to take a quiz to determine which character from 'Twilight' he's most like. Now, he can get back to saving the world.

Oh well. I didn't want to add you as a neighbor on Farmtown anyway, Bill Gates. I wonder what he picked as his "Five things he can't leave the house without"?

1 comment:

Toots said...

1. His keys.
2. Cell phone.
3. ChapStick
4. Kroger Plus Card
5. A million dollars in cash.