Friday, July 31, 2009

Flashback Friday

Publisher's note: today's journal entry might be a bit morbid, but hey - it's my journal and I can write what I want.

As I mentioned the other day, our beloved Naked Ladies are in full bloom right now. It's bittersweet, though - they are only out for about a week and then that's that until next summer. As I was admiring our Naked Ladies this week, I reminisced about the first summer that our Naked Ladies bloomed. It was the summer of 1992 - the year that I had my wreck and was almost killed. To be more specific, it was that very week. In fact, the afternoon before my wreck, Mom and I had visited some friends up the street and were admiring their Naked Ladies. They even said that in the fall when they died down, we were welcome to come up there and dig some of them up and plant them. Unfortunately the wreck and my rebuilt foot kinda got in the way and we never made it up there to dig them up. But every late July when I see the Naked Ladies bloom I can't help but think about that Saturday evening back in 1992. When I see the Naked Ladies bloom it makes me think of how happy and thankful I am to be alive. I guess that's why I like the Naked Ladies so much.

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