Monday, August 11, 2008

Cycling Lingo 101

It's been picture perfect cycling weather here in the 'Ville for the past few days - the temps have been in the low 80's with no humidity.  I've taken advantage of the nice weather and have upped my daily milage as part of my new training regimen.  At lunch today, my co-worker and cycling mentor JN was telling me about a very fun ride next month called the Old Kentucky Home Tour.  He found the website for the ride and as I was walking past his office, he called for me to come over and look at the tour website he had brought up on his computer.  The info about the tour mentioned "SAG" quite a number of times.  I asked JN what that meant, other than pants or various body parts hanging down.  He said he had no clue, and added that other cyclists he asked didn't know, either.   Always the inquisitive one, as soon as I got back to my desk I did a quick Google search and quickly found out what "sag" meant in the cycling world.  It simply stands for "support and gear." Some say it stands for "support aid group."  Regardless of what the initials stand for, it means the same thing -- in a cycling or running event, it's the support vehicles or people that follow the cyclists or runners and give medical or mechanical support if needed.  SAG also are at the event rest stops, handing out water, food, and the above mentioned medical or mechnical help.  So now we know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was immediately thinking "Screen Actors Guild"???