Saturday, August 10, 2024

Sorry For The Delay

 I apologize for not posting in a couple of days; I've been preoccupied with a craft project.  The preliminary part of the project involved a trip to Hobby Lobby, Dollar Tree, and Lowes, as well as multiple trips to the garage and basement.  I was able to find a piece of paneling in the garage, and after measuring it, I got out my old school graph paper and started measuring and seeing how many pieces of the board I can get from the paneling.  A friend up the road is going to cut the paneling when I finalize the size I will need.  Later this morning, I am going to officially start the Phase 1 of the project: painting.

I will give updates on The Project, but will not tell what it is until I get one made that doesn't look like a three year old made it, 

Stay tuned. 

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