Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sleepy Sunday

 It's not even lunchtime as I type this, but the Old Man and I are both ready for a nap.  We were awaken at 3:30 aka O'Dark-Thirty to the sound of a police car siren.  We both said we tried to go back to sleep, but at about 4:00, we heard what we think was the police talking very loudly over their radio.  I got up to look out my bedroom window and didn't see anything.  I went to the living room and looked out the big picture window and still didn't see anything.  The Old Man said he got up to look when he heard the loud radio, and saw the police car two doors down at the old little store. Needless to say, we both said we tossed and turned until we got up at 8:00. 

I hope we can stay awake while watching our church's live-streaming service this a.m.  

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