Tuesday, August 27, 2024

I Need A Nap

 Yesterday, the Old Man and I decided we needed to rearrange some of the many framed pictures he has on his table by his LazyBoy.  One thing led to another, and he wanted to take down a plaque on a wall and replace with an awesome framed picture of a Loon, and then put the plaque underneath it.  Easier said than done. 

He and I spent an hour this morning trying (key word) to put in a small nail for the plaque.  It was not happening.  He and I took turns hammering but the nail was just not going in.  So after an hour of frustration, I went to Dollar General up the road and got some hand 3M hooks.  Perfect.  

We feel like we need a nap now after that carpentry work.  No shame in that for retirees. 

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