Monday, May 13, 2024

Public Service Announcement

 TWIT would like to direct this public service announcement to National Debt Relief.  

The TV here at The Compound is normally on MeTV, TV Land, RFD TV or the Cowboy Channel.  And regardless of which of these channels is on, it seems every half hour they show a commercial for National Debt Relief. Over and over we have to listen to a woman say how she was $36,000 in debt, and now she's debt-free and can travel with her husband.  And on that same commercial, we have to listen to a guy say how he was working four jobs just to make minimum payments, and thanks to National Debt Relief he was getting ready for a trip to Puerto Rico.  I am assuming that National Debt Relief think that people that watch oldie-but-goodie TV shows and rodeos are deep in debt. I think if National Debt Relief employees had to watch their commercials a dozen times a day, they'd sure change their commercials.  

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