Friday, May 17, 2024

Flashback Friday


When I was a kid, it was always a big treat when the Old Man and my Sweet Mother would go and visit friends, because that meant I got to go with them if I wanted to.  Whenever they would visit some of their favorite friends from church, the Sarvers, I would for sure go.  The Sarvers had a bird that would talk, and they also served coffee to my parents in these cool Nescafe cups.  I wasn't old enough to drink coffee, but Merzie (aka Mrs. Sarver) would give me Pepsi in one of these cups.  She knew how much I loved these cups, so she gave one to me.  As I type this, I am drinking my morning coffee out of it right now.  

I checked on eBay, and these cups are going for about $40.  I wouldn't sell my beloved world map cup for $100.  

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