Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Tuesday Updates

It's been a little bit crazy at The Compound lately.  Here's the current updates:

The Girls are still not laying any eggs because they're molting.  Their bodies use the protein to grow new feathers instead of laying eggs.  From what chicken experts tell us, this could take up to three months.  So to those of you that have been getting eggs from us, just be patient, and we will get eggs to you as soon as they are laying again. 

The Old Man is still fighting his mysterious rash, but it is improving.  Thanks to the Lord for prayers answered.

My bad tooth is much much better after the round of antibiotics.  I'm procrastinating and have been putting off calling and getting an appointment to get the damned tooth pulled. 

My Sweet Mother is still sweet, and doing her best to put up with me and the Old Man. 

As always, stay tuned. 

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