Wednesday, February 3, 2016

This Day In Terms Crappy-ness

Here's a list of some of the things that happened to me today, or were happening around me, and helped make this one shitty day:

  1. I couldn't find any navy blue socks while I was getting dressed
  2. As I was making my lunch, the two slices of bread I got out of the new loaf of bread bag were moldy
  3. I could not find one matching set of plastic ware -- meaning, I could not find a bowl and lid that matched in which to put my half cup of fruit salad
  4. I left my debit card on my dresser
  5. The Egg McMuffin that I got for breakfast had big pieces of egg shell in the egg
  6.  My hives were bothering me so much that I felt like I was itching on my insides
  7. At supper, I spilled a bowl of hot bean soup down the front of my shirt and onto my lap
  8. Pretty much everyone I've seen in person or had any form of contact with be it virtual or in real life has gotten on my nerves today.
  9. The arthritis or whatever in my left hand is hurting so bad I can hardly type this post.
I could go on for a few more things but I'm going to stop before I get on my own nerves. 

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