Friday, February 26, 2016

Flashback Friday

It's hard to believe that it's been a year since The Old Man had his quadruple by-pass surgery.  Actually the year anniversary of his Celebrate Life Day is on Saturday, but I digress.  

That was a crazy time here, but it's awesome to look back and look to the present and see how far he's come.  We're all so thankful that he recovered so well and so quickly, and we give all of the thanks to the good Lord for it.  

To be true to the actual time table, on this day a year ago, Dad had finally made the decision to have the by-pass surgery, after thinking and praying about it for a day and a half.  I remember that day just like it was yesterday, and I know he sure does.  

In addition to continually thanking the Lord for all He has done, we also thank Dr. Etoch, Dad's surgeon who did the quadruple by-pass.  As one of Dad's doctors called him, "the man with the golden hands." And we couldn't agree more.  

To celebrate Dad's Life Day, we had a party tonight at our favorite restaurant, Pina Fiesta.  Dad's cousin and his wife drove up from Breckinridge County to spend some time visiting before the party, and Dad's Crew as he calls them were there as well.  His crew is made up of friends that were (and still are) our faithful prayer warriors.  Some were old friends of ours, some were new friends, some were coworkers, but we all seemed like family to me tonight. 

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