Saturday, June 18, 2011

Security Tip Saturday

Before giving you today's Security Tip, let me give a little background first.  Thursday night, I visited our beloved Horseshoe Casino just minutes away from The Compound, but there's no bridge so we have to drive almost to downtown Louisville, cross over the bridge and then drive back in the direction of The Compound to get to the boat.  But I digress.  I spent the night in the hotel, and was looking forward to a nice steak dinner, a long bubble bath and a good night's sleep.  Well, two out of three ain't bad.  I was awaken from a very deep sleep at about 3:30 in the morning from the sound of the blaring alarm going off on the wall above the bed.  Seconds after the alarm went off, the in-room intercom came on the hotel's ERT (Emergency Response Team) said to prepare to evacuate the building. Believe me when I tell you that in about two minutes time, I had thrown off my pajamas, threw on my clothes and shoes, put in my contacts, packed my backpack and purse and was standing in my room's doorway looking up and down the hall. I didn't see anyone else, nor did I even hear any commotion or talking.  This was very odd.  I closed the door and went back in the room.  Then a second announcement came over the intercom saying yet again, prepare to evacuate the building.  Well, I wasn't going to take any chances. I thought about getting a bath towel wet, just in case I encountered any smoke or whatever, but instead I headed for the closest emergency exit and started heading down the stairs to the upper floor of the outdoor parking garage. I was in the seventh floor, and just said a quick prayer for the Lord to watch over me and keep me safe as I walked very fast down all of the stairs.  Adrenaline kicked in and I was barely out of breath when I reached the first floor.  I looked around and saw only a couple of people at the front desk, who were on the phones.  I headed out to the upper floor of the parking garage, and was very surprised to see only about 20 or so people there. 
After maybe ten more minutes, more people showed up and we all stood around wondering what in the hell was going on.  There were maybe 125 people by now.  Then we heard an annoucement over the outdoor intercom telling us that it was a false alarm.  We all looked at each other with major WTF? looks on our faces and then started back to our hotel rooms. Needless to say it's kinda hard to get back to sleep after going through something like this.

So now for the Saturday Security Tip.  Always pay attention and find where the closest emergency exit no matter where you are -- whether it's a hotel, a restaurant, a plane, a movie theater, a store, at school, at work, or anywhere. You honestly do not know what could happen, and you need to know how to get out of wherever you are.  I've spent the night at the hotel casino many times with friends and family, and none of  ever thought something like that would ever happen to us.  But it can, and it does. Be aware, be prepared, and stay safe.

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