Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Fourth Year Of Trying New Things

I am very, very happy to report that tonight at supper I tried fresh collard greens.  I've mentioned previously my love of collards, and until tonight I have only had canned collard greens.  But tonight, I had collard greens that I actually picked from our garden.

Mom cleaned them not once but three times last night before she put them on to cook early this morning.  As soon as I walked in the door from work she asked me to taste them before she served them up in a big bowl on the table.  Believe me when I tell you I wanted to grab the pot and a fork and run away with them. 

As I said, until now I've only had canned collard greens and they were awesome to me.  But the fresh home grown collards brings the level of awesome up a few more notches.  While the canned greens tasted just fine, there was just something extra in the flavor of the fresh collards.

My thanks go out to Dad, who planted and tended the collard greens, and to Mom who cleaned and cooked them. 

1 comment:

Toots said...

Everything tastes better when it's fresh. =o)