Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday, Monday

This post is brought to us courtesy of The 'Rents.  They spent all day and most of the afternoon out in the garden, and wanted me to post that it sure was hot outside today.  Needless to say that the majority of the people reading this spent the day inside in an air conditioned office, as I did.  But I digress.  The 'Rents wanted everyone to know that they were out in the garden from about 9:00 till after 3:00 this afternoon, and they are alive and kicking to tell about it.

I need to interject that two years ago, I had an epiphany.  People kept calling, emailing, and texting me, asking about the 'Rents working out in their garden in the effin heat.  I told them what I will tell you -- I just gave it over to the Lord.  Both of them have more common sense than just about everybody I know put together, so they know to come inside when they get too hot.  So if they were to keel over dead while working in the garden, I would have to say that they went out doing something that they loved.  That having been said, let me just tell you about the heat exhaustion precautions that they take in the summer while gardening.

They are out in the garden working when I leave for work at about 7:30, so they're doing their manual labor in the cool of the day.

They have their Cooler On Wheels that is filled every day with ice and bottles of water, so they always stay hydrated.

And food is always within reach.  The tiny refrigerator on the back porch is always filled with Lunchables and fresh fruits to give them a boost.

So to me, it sounds like they are doing all right. I just wish I have that much energy as they do when I'm 76 years old.

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