Thursday, June 9, 2011

New Product Review

The other day, I was doing my weekly search in the cookie aisle in the grocery store to see if I could find the Triple Oreos, and what do I stumble upon but Oreo Creamsicle cookies.  Believe me when I tell you I almost had an anxiety attack in the aisle, given the fact that Creamsicles are one of my very most favorite popsicle flavors in the world.  How could you go wrong when you combine Oreos with Creamsicles?  I picked up two packs without hesitation.

As soon as I got home, I opened the pack for us to try.  Dad and I tried one first, and we were speechless.  My Sweet Mother, who is diabetic, had been watching her sugar intake all day, and knew she could have one without any repercussions.  Well, as soon as she ate the cookie, she grabbed another.  She simply said "I could die tonight a happy woman."  Yes, I will testify they were that good. They aren't too orange, and weren't too vanilla; they were just right.

I urge you to go to your local grocery store right now and stock up on these; they're a Limited Edition and won't be around long. 

Oreo Creamsicle most definitely gets the Thumb's Up and the TWIT Seal Of Approval.

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