Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Reflections On Yesterday

I've had ample time to calm down from yesterday evening's big meltdown over thinking my wallet had been stolen, and while I was thinking about it, I came up with some things about our wallets that I'd like to share with you, my faithful readers.

First of all, please do not carry anything in your wallet that has your Social Security number on it. I remember back in the day how Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa all had a cool metal engraved Social Security card in their wallets. I cringe today at the thought of my Social Security number getting into the hands of someone else. If you have anything in your wallet or purse with your Social Security number on it, please take it out and keep it in a safe place at home.

Second, the next time you're around a copier, please take the entire contents of your wallet out and make a copy of everything in it, and then take the copy and store it at home in a safe place. It will be invaluable if you wallet is ever stolen.

Third, make sure you know all of the phone numbers to call if your wallet is stolen. Your bank/financial institution, all of your credit card companies, the DMV for your driver's license, your health insurance carrier, AAA, the library - any business that has issued you some type of card that you keep in your wallet.

Having this information on hand if your wallet is stolen could make a difference in someone stealing your identity and racking up big $$$ against your accounts. Be safe.

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