Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday Updates

I'm excited to report that little Brooklynn is doing much, much better. All of the tubes and monitors are unconnected, and she's been moved to the regular nursery. And from what I hear, she's the queen of the nursery - the nurses have been clammoring to get to hold her. From the reports that I've gotten, she's only a little bit spoiled; it takes two people to change her clothes -- one to actually change her clothes and another to hold the pacifier in. They said she's very active, and flails her arms around a lot. She's up to four and a half pounds as of yesterday, and she'll hopefully be able to go home within the next two weeks. Her family would like to thank everyone for their prayers, and they asked everyone to keep the prayers going.

1 comment:

Toots said...

That's awesome news!!!