Saturday, August 21, 2010

This Is How Rumors Get Started

I just checked the latest updates on Facebook and was extremely shocked to read where someone (who is just 22 years old) put on her status (and I quote) "RIP David Cassidy. Your family is in our prayers." A couple of updates later she went on to say "I think someone said he fell down some stairs and hit his head or something." Well as soon as I read her first status update I immediately did some checking online and as of about ten minutes ago David Cassidy was alive and well.

This raises some observations. First of all, the girl that reported this false news probably does not even know who David Cassidy is, nor has she probably ever watched an episode of "The Partridge Family." Second, this girl is an aspring country singer, and I'm pretty sure she wouldn't like it if her family and friends were to hear false reports of her having an accident like that. For goodness sake, people -- if you're going to post something like that, please take one minute to check online at the major news websites to see if it's true or just a rumor.

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