Monday, August 16, 2010

Back To School

There's a lot of unhappy kids tonight; the public schools here in the 'Ville go back tomorrow. But I was one of the unhappy kids earlier, because my school started back today. That's not really true. While my school did start back today, I wasn't unhappy. It was on contrary. I enjoyed my two weeks off from school but I was glad to get back into my routine today. I even read the first two chapters of my school book last week when the book came in the mail.

It's hard to believe that I'm in the home stretch for this Master's program. After the class that started today ("Criminal Behavioral Issues") I only have two more classes, and should finish up the end of May. It will be here before you know it. It's been an awesome program so far, and it seems like I just started yesterday instead of over a year ago. I've learned a lot already, and have been able to put some of the knowledge to work.

I guess I'm one of the odd ones (no comment needed) because I'm one of the few people that liked (and still like) school. I love learning, and like the structure that comes with taking classes. And it's no secret I'm already thinking ahead about what I want to do when I finish this Master's program next May.

While kids all over the city and county are getting their baths right now and getting ready for bed, I salute them, and wish them all the best on their first day back tomorrow. As for me, I'm off to happily read and outline another chapter.

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