Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday Updates

I apologize for not having a regularly scheduled TWIT post tonight but I have to give another update tonight. I have to give a major shout out to my dear friend and coworker BC for providing the family with lots of venison roasts and steaks. Just tonight, Mom grilled the last of the steaks that BC gave us from last season. They rocked, and believe me when I tell you I almost would have fought my own parents over the last piece of steak on the platter.

BC's venison is the cleanest and leanest venison that my family has ever gotten, and we love him for his marksmanship in getting multiple deer every season. BC is truly a hunter among hunters, and the 'Rents and I think he hung the moon when it comes to hunting. In addition to keeping us stocked with venison, he also has my back at work, which is mega important to me.

Keep up the good work, BC - both out on your deer stands and in the office. You rock.

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