Thursday, August 19, 2010

Fair Days

Our Kentucky State Fair started today for its ten day run, and for the past two days, the talk around town has been the new cheeseburger that will be sold at the fair. It's not just any cheeseburger - it's a cheeseburger with two Krispy Kreme doughnuts as a bun.
We've discussed this burger at work for the past few weeks, and we discussed it tonight at the supper table at The Compound. I'm almost ashamed to admit that Dad, Mom (who is diabetic) and me all agreed that we would try it. In an effort to keep Mom from going into sugar overload and Dad and I from having cardiac arrest, we said that if we were to go and try one, we would just order one and split it three ways. Mom went on to say that she would gladly count her sugar intake meticulously for a few days just to be able to try a bite or two of the Krispy Kreme cheeseburger. I ask you - if that isn't Krispy Kreme love, I don't know what is.
I know that the thought of a Krispy Kreme cheeseburger with bacon is making the health-conscious people have a fit, but I'm just being honest and admitting that my family and I would honestly try it. We would probably feel guilty afterward but we definitely would try it.

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