Sunday, October 17, 2004

Link of the Week

It's Sunday again, and not only does that mean it's time for the Link of the Week, it means it's time to sharpen those pencils and get ready to work the Sunday paper crossword puzzle. 

If you're anything like us, working the puzzle at our home is a group effort. We don't cheat and look up the answers online, but we do use all available resources: various dictionaries, trivia books, enclyopedias, online searches, and relatives and friends who are movie experts.   

Every Sunday you can always count on about a dozen movie-themed questions - stars, directors, producers, movie titles to name a few.  Other than Cecil B. DeMille, we are usually clueless about directors and have to research.  I found an awesome site for helping with the movie questions in the crossword puzzle, and for satisfying your curiosity about movies - the Internet Movie Data Base, IMDB for short.  You can find it at the easy-to-remember link of  The coolest part of IMDB is their search engine - you can search for movies by stars, characters, directors, plots, and even quotes.

Now back to the puzzle.  Let's see...where was I?  Oh yes, 27 across. Best blog on the web.  That's an easy one, "That's What I'm Thinking."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is good information.  My mother works the puzzle every day and I am her "lifeline" for music/television/movie questions.  Thanks for the link.