Monday, December 31, 2018

Farewell, 2018

After spending 365 days with you, it's time to say farewell to you, 2018.  But just as your predecessors, you taught me a lot this year.  

The biggest thing you taught me is to keep my eyes open to be able to see miracles.  I've always had faith in my Christian walk, and I've been a firm believer that miracles happen.  But it wasn't until a few weeks ago that I saw many many big miracles happen right before my eyes.  In 2019, I am making it a point to keep my eyes open for more miracles that I know will happen. 

You also taught me that seemingly bad things happen to us for a good reason.  Mid-year, I made a major change in my job duties at work, and the stress that I had for the last few years was gone almost instantly.  That situation also taught me patience. 

Thank you, 2018, for making me a stronger person.  

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