Saturday, January 16, 2016

Saturday Observations

My first observation for the day was a major lull in activity at Wal-Mart.  I had to go and get some more bird seed and the parking lot wasn't nearly as full as it is on any other Saturday morning, and there were very few shoppers inside.  Not sure what's up with that, but I was glad to be able to get my few things and check in in record time. 

My second observation are the very cute snow birds.  I've yet to take the time to look in our Audubon Society bird book to see what they are actually called (I think they are Chickadees), but they are out in full force today around our bird feeders and in the yard.  As a side note, one of the weather forecast emails I get is calling for 4-8 inches of snow on Wednesday and another 1-3 on Sunday.  As of last night, the weatherazzi hasn't grabbed on to this one, so I have no idea to its validity.  All I can say is stay tuned because we know the weatherazzi will not let us down. 

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