Saturday, January 23, 2016

I've Never Bern Accused Of Being Crafty

When the 'Rents and I visited Dad's cousins down in Breckinridge County in November, on the way down there I noticed how a lot of the barns had a very cool quilt block pattern painted on them.  This intrigued me. Dad's cousin said that they have to register their quilt block patter with the county clerk, because you can't have the same pattern as someone else.  After our most recent visit down there before Christmas, I decided I wanted to make one for our little red barn here at The Compound. I chose the bow tie pattern because Dad has a gorgeous quilt in the bow tie pattern that was made by a dear friend of ours.  

This was a group effort.  Dad got the wood ready and traced the pattern, Mom painted the black trim and the white, and I painted the bow ties.  Once it was finished we decided we wanted to keep it in the house instead of outside so we could see it, so it now proudly hangs on a wall in our family room.  And as I type this, Dad is working at the kitchen table on the pattern for our next one - the Carpenter's Wheel.  Stay tuned.

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