Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year

I apologize for not posting yesterday on the first day of the new year; I didn't do much of anything the entire day and it was heavenly.  But I digress. 

TWIT would like to wish you, faithful readers, a very happy new year.  May you accomplish all that you set out to do in the new year. 

I have set a pretty high goal for myself in the new year: I am going to start saving some money.  I'm doing the 52 Week Challenge.  Week 1, you deposit $1 into your savings account or jar or in an envelope in your sock drawer; it doesn't really matter where the money is, just deposit it.  Week 2, you deposit $2, week 3, deposit $3 and so on.  Yes I realize fully well that come the end of summer, I'm going to be putting back some considerable change, and I know I will probably bitch about having to deposit $40 and more a week toward the end of the year, but I'm going to do it.  I've never been much of a saver, but that has changed and I am going to save in 2016.  I've found a couple of apps to help me track my progress, and I will share those with you tomorrow on the Link of the Week.

As always, I'll keep you posted.  

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