Monday, November 25, 2013

Parking Lot Crash of 2013 Update

Things are rolling now, faithful readers.  My insurance company called today and told me how much (albeit small) they would pay me.  So the ball is rolling now and soon the work will be started to fix the old Blazer.  
Hopefully on Wednesday I'll get to make it over to the county clerk's office to get some paperwork completed, and then it will be just a couple of more weeks [hopefully] before my insurance company gets me the check. 

Some friends are dissing me now because I've made the decision to get the Blazer fixed instead of just buying another car.  But honestly, with a student loan payment and other financial obligations, this is the only option I have right now. 

As of now, I don't regret making the decision to get the Blazer fixed.  The only thing I do regret is waiting almost six weeks to turn the crap into my insurance company. 

As always, I'll keep you posted. 

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