Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Black Friday Countdown, Part One

A friend/coworker and his son have begun a journey - they are in line at a Best Buy in southern Indiana, waiting for the Black Friday deals.  This intrigues me - enough that I am posting all of his updates in TWIT.  Personally, I would not wait in line for two days if they were giving the stuff away for free, but I digress.  In the next two days, I will be posting my friend's commentaries about life waiting in the Black Friday line.  
4:30 p.m.  Its 4:30 and we are finally on our way. It has been one hour since I was at a Best Buy in Clarksville.

5:42 pm  My trusty partner Stephen (my son) and I made it to best buy Clarksville at about 4:40pm Tuesday evening. By 5:10 we had our camp completely set. Oh, and we are 1st in line. The people at those other best buy stores can stick it in their ear. It is about 5:35 now. Nobody else is in line yet. I guess they are all wimps like my former best buy camping partner. Stephen is inside the store right now, using the facilities, scoping out where the doorbuster items are being kept and probably playing game demos. For me, I'm totally chilling. Only 46.5 hours to go until vouchers are handed out. When we were setting up camp, a police officer asked me if something was really worth waiting that long outside for. I told him there really isn't, but we have fun doing it and meeting new people. I also lied to him and said every room in my house has a door buster flat screen HDTV thanks to best buy. He thought that was pretty funny. I also told him I'm not above selling my place in line. We shall see.......

5:45 pm A little girl with her parents just walked by. She walked close to the tent and said loudly, "Is anybody in there?"  I said MAYBE very loudly and she ran off. Yes, my first little kid weirded out!

6:00 pm  Best Buy Camping List:
One 3-person tentOne air mattress
Two sub zero sleeping bags
Two 5-degree sleeping bags
One case of bottled water
One 6-pack of bottled Mountain Dew
One case of military MRE
MetRx protein bars - various varieties
Two folding chairs
Multiple layers of clothing, jackets and hats
One battery powered lantern
Two books
One Nintendo 3DS
That's all I can think of for now. My family is only a phone call and 20 minutes away should we need anything.

6:01 pm  It is 6:00pm and someone just drove up to our tent and yelled at us. Loudly they yelled, "Go home and enjoy Thanksgiving!" Before I could open the tent and tell the Jesus loves you, they drove off quickly. Oh well, haters gonna hate...

6:11 pm  It just started snowing at 6:10pm. HOORAY!

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