Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Thank the Lord and Trane

After some heavy frost early last week, the temps started to climb and Saturday we were in the mid 70's.  It was even warmer on Sunday and yesterday. For the past 4 nights I haven't slept well because I've had my window open to get a little air and as if the record-high pollen isn't bad enough, the birds have started chirping at 2:00 in the morning.  Yesterday it was 82 and humid and windy.  I had ran some errands for the 'Rents and even picked up supper and a bottle of wine (as requested) so Mom wouldn't have to cook, and when I got in the house I knew it was time.  I put down the bags and simply said "I'm hot and I'm going to turn on the air."  There was no resistance. Like one of them would get a gun and say "No you can't.".  But I digress.  The only comment was from Mom who said "I'm surprised you didn't do it yesterday."  Well, now that I think about it, I'm surprised I didn't do it, too.

I walked to the hallway where the thermostat is and saw it was almost 80 in the house, and as soon as I flipped the switch from heat to cool, the trusty old Trane a/c fired right up.  By bedtime the house was as comfortable as could be, and I enjoyed a great night's sleep.

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