Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday Updates

I took a week of vacation to help The Old Man with his caratact surgery.  The morning started bright and early, well, early enough at 7:45.  We were up and ready to head to the Snooty McSnoot East End of town where the surgery center was. We got there in plenty of time, and as others have told us, the majority of the experience was spent waiting.  The actual procedure only took about 45 minutes.  But The Patient did great, and had a great, pain-free afternoon. Of course, he has an excellent Caregiver (aka Me).  Thank goodness I have a very steady hand when it comes to giving him all of he prescribed eyedrops. 

When we got home, all three of us were strung out and wanted to take a nap but there was too much excitement going on around us to sleep.  First and foremost, they were putting on a new roof here at The Compound, and it sounded like the house was going to implode at any minute.  Add to that the tree men were next door at Nick's (formerly Rosie's House) and you had the chipper and chainsaws going on all afternoon.  In fact, they are still going on as I type this.  Then you can add in the other neighbor's grandson cutting grass and you had one busy loud afternoon at The Compound.  I'm pretty sure we will all sleep well tonight.

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