Saturday, April 27, 2013

Follow Through

This morning was another prime example of the need to follow through.  The Old Man is having cataract surgery on Monday, and he's supposed to start on eye drops tomorrow morning.  On three different occasions he was told that the eye drops prescriptions would be called in to the drugstore in our hood.  We stupidly assumed all would be taken care of.  Until noon today when we received no call from the drugstore saying the prescription was ready to be picked up.  That's when I sprang into action.  I made a call to his eye doctor's office, and of course got the answering service but she took down my info and she did FOLLOW THROUGH because five minutes later we got a call back from someone at the eye doctor's office.  And five minutes later we got another call from someone at the drugstore asking about the Old Man's insurance, and they told him he would get a call later when the drops were ready to be picked up.

I thought about what if's -- what if we hadn't thought to call when the Old Man hadn't gotten a call saying his eye drops were ready to be picked up?  There's a lot of seniors out there that don't have a "care giver" as we jokingly refer to me.  If we hadn't called today to check on the drops, we would have gotten to the surgery center on Monday morning only to be sent back home because he hadn't used the prescribed drops in preparation for the surgery.  Then we would have had to reschedule and then things would have totally been FUBAR.

So this is a big lesson on following through and on tenacity.  I give props to the answering service for getting the info to the doctor's office, and I give props to the drugstore for being on top of it and calling back about insurance info.  But this is a reminder to us all that you need to follow through.  As the saying goes, say what you do and more importantly, do what you say.

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