Thursday, October 30, 2008

Farewell TWIT @ AOL

As I sit here tonight - like I have 1,658 times before - getting ready to pour out my heart, soul and mind to you, my faithful readers, I just don't know what to think. It's hard to believe that on July 31, 2004, I started a blogging adventure called That's What I'm Thinking. And it's even harder to believe that faithful readers have visited TWIT almost one half a million times since it's birth. Believe me when I tell you that that makes me weepy.

You all have read day after day my ramblings about things at work, at The Compound, at the VFW and other parts of my life. You've left comments, have emailed me and have given me encouragement when I felt like I didn't want to blog anymore. You've given me awesome suggestions for journal entries, and you've become a valuable part of the TWIT family.

It still amazes me that other than the times I can count on one hand, I've managed to post to TWIT every single day since it's birth. It's not an an easy thing to do; other bloggers will back me up on that. Even though I'm the world's biggest procrastinator, posting an entry everyday in TWIT was something that I felt I just had to do. And I felt like something was missing on the rare, rare occasion when I was unable to post.

Enough of the reminiscing - now it's time to move on. Tomorrow night at midnight will mark Phase 2 of TWIT -- it will start a new adventure at it's new home at Blogspot. The first four and a half years have been on hell of a ride, faithful readers. I can't wait to see what's in store for us. I hope I don't let you down.

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