Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Breaking News From Blogdom

It has been one hell of a day, faithful readers.  This morning I hopped in the BMW and was going to drive it to work today since it had been awhile since I had driven it.  Imagine my surprise when it wouldn't start.  The battery was dead.  The more I thought about it, it dawned on me that it had been about two months since I'd driven it.  But I digress.  Another thing had me all out of sorts today.  This morning before leaving (or should I say attempting to leave) for work, I got online to check email.  I sure was not ready for my second major surprise of the day: an email from AOL letting me know that as of November 1, AOL Journals would be closed.  Yep, you read that correctly - in one month, there will be no more TWIT at AOL.  I thought I was going to hyperventilate or go into cardiac arrest, like you might be doing right now as you read this.  But let's all take some deep breaths and calm down.  There will still be TWIT - it just won't be at AOL.   Thank goodness AOL won't be leaving us high and dry - they are working feverishly and will come up with a way to transfer our AOL journals to a new blog host. I'll know in about a week where TWIT's new home will be and believe me you will be the first to know.  Other than the format and the URL address, everything will be the same at TWIT - every single post, photograph, and comment will [hopefully] be moved over so we won't lose a thing.   

And in case you're stil wondering, I was able to get the BMW charged back up tonight and you can rest assured that from now on I will drive it to work one day a week. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not to worry, Puddin.  We'll find you!!