Monday, April 6, 2015

Team Bud Update

Team Bud Update:

Bud had his follow-up visit with his cardiac-thoracic surgeon today, and after an easy exam from his surgeon, he was released. The surgeon said he was doing awesome, and told him to just keep up the good work. She even said it was hard to believe that it still hasn't been six full weeks since his quadruple by-pass. She told him that he could even get out and start gardening, but to take it easy and not do any heavy shoveling for a couple more weeks. She also told him that she felt it would be ok for him to just keep up his rehab at home -- riding the indoor bike 20 minutes every-other-day and walking daily -- instead of paying $40 a pop to go to rehab up at the heart center. . That was all he needed to hear. She couldn't get over how well his incisions have healed, and how great he looked. 

Thanks again to everyone for their prayers and well wishes for Dad since this ordeal stated the end of February. He is the first one to give all of the credit to the Lord for healing and for answering the prayers. He did say for everyone to continue the prayers - he said he would do his part to get out in the garden and get the tomatoes going, if everyone else would do their part by continuing the prayers for strength and healing.

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