Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Team Bud Update

This is the best update since Bud went to the ER last Monday night: he is home!!! We got home at about 5:00 - just when the snow started to stick. He came in the house, sat down in his recliner for a few minutes, and then he and Minnie and I had supper together at the kitchen table for the first time in over a week. He looks and feels great. If anyone were to come here tonight, you would not believe that this man had quadruple by-pass 5 days ago. The timing of getting him home was perfect. The roads were just starting to get bad, and I just now got back from a trip to the drugstore for his meds, and our road is treacherous. So once again, prayers were answered!! 

As I type this, he is back in his recliner reading the newspaper and watching TV.

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