Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Let It Go

As I said a few posts ago, my Dad's new mantra is "let it go".  First of all, let me say he has no idea about "Frozen" and the big "Let It Go"song.  All he knows is after his brush with death and his quadruple by-pass surgery, he (and all of us) need to let go of things that don't matter.

Case in point, supper tonight at The Compound.  This morning, I wrote down a recipe for a pasta salad that I've been wanting.  Dad had it for supper one night when he was in the hospital, and that same day they had it in the hospital cafeteria.  I asked one of the cooks if the could give me the recipe, and he did.  It was a very simple recipe - so simple, even I could make it.  I immediately bought the ingredients, but life got in the way and I didn't have time to make it.  So this morning, I left the recipe out, and gathered all of the ingredients before I went to work, and the 'Rents said they would make it for me.

Flash forward - after a phone call at work and much discussion, they made the pasta salad.  When I came home tonight and expected to see it on the table, I was very surprised to see it in a bubbling casserole dish, just coming out of the oven.  Yep, they baked the pasta salad instead of serving it cold as it was intended.  But as Dad said, it didn't matter.  And let me tell you - our pasta bake tonight was awesome.  We ate half of the bowl.  And it was about 75% heart healthy, too!  So instead of me getting upset over not having a cold pasta salad to take to work tomorrow for lunch, I let it go, and was happy for the meal we had tonight. 

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